What Your Hands Reveal About Your Personality

What Your Hands Reveal About Your Personality

The shape of your hands reveal a lot about your personality.The art of palmistry is one of the oldest means of determining one’s future and the kind of person one is supposed to be. Palmistry uses the shape of one’s hands as the primary means of understanding the most dominant traits of the person. While the individuals may have different personalities, there are 5 general categories which define most of us.

Earth Hands

earth hand

Earth hand is the dry, solid part of our planet. Everything that happens on earth is subject to the natural rhythms of germination, growth, death and decay. Earth is timeless and expresses stability. However, below its surface all sorts of changes are constantly occurring. This can lead to earthquakes and other upheavals. The Earth hand is very like the practical hand. It consists of a square palm and short fingers. People with this type of hand are reliable, down-to-earth and practical. They enjoy repetitive work and are good with their hands. They enjoy rhythm. They are conservative, reserved and possessive.

Fire hands 

Fire hand
Fire hands have long fingers, long palms and pointed nails which often has ill-defined joints. Generally, people who have fire hands are ambitions, driven to succeed and quick-witted. They are not only honest and straightforward, but they mostly know what they want in their lives. They are self-aware and possess efficient decision-making skills which are logical and precise, and you don’t waste your energy and time on people you don’t care about.

Wood hands

Wood hands are the most unique ones from the rest because they have a revealing bone structure and are quite skinny. Their knuckles are usually well defined because literally almost every bone in their hand is easily visible.
Creativity is one of the hallmarks of the Wood handed individuals. You notice small details that tend to go unnoticed by others, and you enjoy translating those details into works of creative art that will be pleasing to all. You generally keep to yourself since you prefer your own creativity to the real world, and you don't experience love without some effort.
The creativity that Wood handed people exhibit is also punctuated by extreme states of emotion. Emotional acuity and creativity tend to go hand in hand, and many Wood handed people are warm and kind if not silent and shy.

Air hand

air hand

Air hand is essential for life. We take it for granted and seldom notice it, except on windy days. Air is also essential for communications, as it carries sound waves. Creatures of the air, such as birds and flying insects, are fast moving and active. The Air hand consists of a square palm and long fingers. These people tend to use logic more than intuition. They’re quick-witted and express themselves clearly. They enjoy communicating and often have careers that utilize their skills. Their strong emphasis on logic means these people tend to distrust emotions, both their own and other people’s.

Water hands

water hand

People with water hands have palms which are smooth but the fingers could be stubby. The nails are usually long and the knuckles not well-defined. The fingertips of people with water hands are round in shape.
 If you think about it, water is essentially still. Other forces have to act upon it to make it change. It’s also shapeless as it simply moves to fill up whatever space is available. The Moon has a strong influence on water, creating the tides in our oceans. The saying, “still waters run deep”, is very pertinent to the Water hand. The Water hand consists of an oblong palm with long fingers. It’s sometimes called the intuitive hand, as these people are extremely aware and receptive. People with this type of hand are changeable, impressionable and emotional. They’re idealistic and highly imaginative.


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