7 Simple Steps to Developing Creativity in Your Life

7 Simple Steps to Developing Creativity in Your Life

7 Simple Steps to Developing Creativity in Your Life

Every single human being possesses a flow of creative energy, including you. It’s not even a question of whether you can be creative or not, since the answer is absolutely yes.
The much more sensible question is how to learn to identify, nurture and express the creative energy that resides in you.
In this article, you will learn exactly that – how to become more creative.

Be curious about everything.

Apply a beginner’s mind: Be open to and look for new and novel ways of doing things.and Ask questions, listen and observe: Seek first to understand, not to explain.Try something new: Take a different route to work, read a book in a genre you usually avoid, go to an art gallery you wouldn’t normally go to. Each of these activities opens your mind to new points of view.
Be inquisitive: Ask others their opinions, perspectives, and their approaches to certain things. Everyone does things a bit differently, and there are potential new answers and solutions to problems hidden in other people’s thinking.


Stop thinking about your classroom within strictly confined terms and be open to ideas that are outside of the norm. You might just find a creative idea that transforms some of your lessons.


Even the most open-minded of us sometimes get stuck in a rut and can’t see that there are other, potentially better ways of doing things. Break out of that and try to be open to new ideas, even if they seem strange at first.


It’s hard to push yourself out of your comfort zone, but it may be just what you need to really get creative. Work with new groups of students, teach new topics, or try out something you’re not comfortable with. It might work, it might not, but you’ll never know if you don’t try.


It’s not enough to just come up with a creative idea; you have to follow through. Be willing to spend the time nurturing your ideas and developing them into something worthwhile and useful. Encourage students to do the same.


Great creative breakthroughs usually happen only after we have focused sufficient attention on our subject matter. That is, AHA! moments normally come only after much intense conscious effort.

Make creativity part of your daily routine.

"Working in the jewelry industry, creativity is at the core of our business and is therefore part of my daily routine. First, I start each day with meditation to clear my mind, often utilizing the Headspace app. I then walk two miles to work, as the fresh air and movement allow me to daydream, take in my surroundings, and think of new ideas. During this time, I listen to a wide variety of podcasts (everything from "The Daily" to "99% Invisible" to "TED Radio Hour") that light my creative spark before arriving to work. I also schedule a break for lunch outside the office every day, which allows me to step away from my inbox and reflect on strategic priorities and projects in a more open-ended and creative manner."


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