
Showing posts from September, 2019

What Your Hands Reveal About Your Personality

The shape of your hands reveal a lot about your personality. The art of palmistry is one of the oldest means of determining one’s future and the kind of person one is supposed to be. Palmistry uses the shape of one’s hands as the primary means of understanding the most dominant traits of the person. While the individuals may have different personalities, there are 5 general categories which define most of us. Earth Hands Earth hand is the dry, solid part of our planet. Everything that happens on earth is subject to the natural rhythms of germination, growth, death and decay. Earth is timeless and expresses stability. However, below its surface all sorts of changes are constantly occurring. This can lead to earthquakes and other upheavals. The Earth hand is very like the practical hand. It consists of a square palm and short fingers. People with this type of hand are reliable, down-to-earth and practical. They enjoy repetitive work and are good with their

7 Simple Steps to Developing Creativity in Your Life

7 Simple Steps to Developing Creativity in Your Life Every single human being possesses a flow of creative energy, including you. It’s not even a question of whether you can be creative or not, since the answer is absolutely yes. The much more sensible question is how to learn to identify, nurture and express the creative energy that resides in you. In this article, you will learn exactly that – how to become more creative. Be curious about everything. Apply a beginner’s mind: Be open to and look for new and novel ways of doing things.and Ask questions, listen and observe: Seek first to understand, not to explain.Try something new: Take a different route to work, read a book in a genre you usually avoid, go to an art gallery you wouldn’t normally go to. Each of these activities opens your mind to new points of view. Be inquisitive: Ask others their opinions, perspectives, and their approaches to certain things. Everyone does things a bit differently, and ther