
Showing posts from 2018

50 Inspirational Motivational Quotes for Success in Life

50 Inspirational Motivational Quotes for Success in Life  Motivation is important for everyone. Motivation is important to live. We can’t live our daily life happily without motivation. Motivation is the presence of purpose and desire to achieve daily life, career, and business goals Inspirational quotes have an amazing ability to motivate others and change the way we feel about ourselves . So read on and let them inspire you. 1 -  “The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.” – Winston Churchill 2- “Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today.” – Will Rogers 3 - “You learn more from failure than from success. Don’t let it stop you. Failure builds character.” – Unknown 4 - “If you are working on something that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you.” – Steve Jobs 5 - “Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.” – Og Mandino 6 - “We m

9 Signs That Will Help You Spot A Person Who Is Secretly Jealous Of You

9 Signs That Will Help You Spot A Person Who Is Secretly Jealous Of You In fact It’s not easy to handle a jealous person. The following are 9 signs that will enable you to find out if someone around you is jealous Jealousy is a psychological disorder in which a person is preoccupied with the thought that their spouse or sexual partner is being unfaithful without having any real proof, along with socially unacceptable or abnormal behaviour also Jealousy root cause : Insecurity: Feelings of insecurity are the result of the two previosly  mentioned causes. A poor self image and lack of self confidence can result in making you Feel insecure about a relationship and this can be a strong reason that can make you  jealous . 1- They will gloat about your mistakes a jealous person will be the first to say ‘I told you so’. Even the tiniest of failures on your part will make them feel satisfied and happy. Don’t let their harsh words affect you. As long as you stick to the right

Top 5 Best Sleep naked advantages

5- Reasons You Should Sleep Naked Sleeping is one of the most important things we do every night so removing your clothes improves blood circulation, which is good for your heart and muscles. The quality sleep you'll enjoy also increases the release of growth hormone and melatonin, both of which have anti-aging benefits Reasons You Should Sleep Naked : 1- It makes you feel sexier This isn't something scientists have studied as far as we know. But anecdotally speaking, many women say that sleeping in the nude makes them feel more sensual and in touch with their body. Cuddling with your partner skin-on-skin with nothing between you can reinforce your connection. Plus, it's just that much easier to have a sexual encounter if you don't have a layer of clothing to unbutton first. 2-  Lose weight The U.S National Institutes of Health found that keeping yourself cool while sleeping encourages your body to create more brown fat. Brown fat helps to keep you wa

Clinical interview

A clinical interview is a tool that helps physicians, psychologists and researchers make an accurate diagnosis of a variety of mental illnesses, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). There are two common types: Structured clinical interviews and clinical diagnostic interviews A clinical interview is a conversation between psychologist and client that is intended to help the psychologist diagnose and treat the patient. There are many types of clinicalinterviews, including intake interviews and mental status exams The gold standard for structured clinicalinterviews is the Structured Clinical Interviewfor DSM-5, also known as SCID. It is a semi-structured interview guide which is administered by a psychologist or other mental health professional who is familiar with the diagnostic criteria of mental health conditions. The objective of a psychiatric interview in clinical research is very different from interviews conducted by clinicians in clinical practice. The research in

6 Secrets of Getting Women to Approach YOU

6 Secrets of Getting Women to Approach YOU he object of going out is not to meet or get girls. This is the most important part. You and your friends should go out with the goal to make each other laugh and have a good time. That’s it. 1- ATTRACTION FASHION Dress well, but not what a fashion magazine would consider dressing well. Dress to express your identity. Dress in a way that is attractive to women, not to fashion advertisers. Contact us about setting up a personal consultation if this is a potential issue for you. 2- Smile You see an extremely attractive woman? Smile! It doesn’t matter if you see her looking at you or not, give the impression you have the time of your life with your friends. Of course, don’t smile without any reason while standing alone in the middle oft the room staring into space, you don’t want to come across a creep. Look like someone who’s friendly and easy to talk . 3-Be loud The louder, the better. Well, I’m not talking about screaming w

7 signs She really want to marry you


Your body know date of your death

It is not uncommon to hear family members talk about a loved one who has passed away. One interesting and surprising anecdote often heard is a person’s behavior prior to dying like; saying goodbye, getting closure on troubled relationships, and even giving away prized possessions. It seems they may know something before anyone else does. In fact many doctors have reported that patients make similar comments before passing away. It seems, that the patients know that they are dying even before doctors do. Their indicators might even improve and the doctor might think that there is still a change, but the patients already feel that the end is near. People, who have a sixth sense, often say goodbye to their loved ones before they pass away. It is a strange thing that they kind of feel when it is time to go. These people start to make up with their past enemies and fix relationships that need fixing so they can pass away without unfinished business. This is not very com

How to detect a liar in just a few seconds

How to detect a liar in just a few seconds If you say that someone is a liar, you mean that they tell lies. So we can detect a liar in just seconds by this ways  - Build rapport. Experience shows that "good cop" typically gets better results than "bad cop." - Look at facial flushing. If you are talking to someone and their face flushes they may be being dishonest or they are might also be distressed. (Note: There are some people who are just naturally shy and flush easily around people - Come across as empathetic in conversation, and you'll get the person to open up more than when you are cold and accusatory. - Surprise them. A deceptive person will try to anticipate your questions, so that their answers sound instinctive and natural. They may even practice answering specific questions ahead of time. Ask them something they don't expect, and they'll stumble.  - Listen more than you speak. Liars tend to speak more than truthful p

It Only Takes 10 Minutes a Day to Keep Your Brain Healthy

  It Only Takes 10 Minutes a Day to Keep Your Brain Healthy Every brain changes with age, and mental function changes along with it. Here are 03 ways you can help reduce your risk of age-related memory loss and keep your brain healthy 1 - Find a meditation style and make it a habit. In fact we know that Meditation reduces stress. Also It improves concentration. And It encourages a healthy lifestyle. Furthermore The practice increases self-awareness Also It increases happiness. And Meditation increases acceptance. And make  slows aging. Also meditation help The practice benefits cardiovascular and immune health. 2 - Do math in your head. Figure out problems without the aid of pencil, paper, or computer; you can make this more difficult — and athletic — by walking at the same time. 3 - Make exercice of brain yoga : Stand tall and straight, with your arms on the side. Lift your left arm and hold your right earlobe with your thumb and index finger. Your th